Monday, 17 October 2011

A Little Vintage and The Cat Returns!

I haven't done a Magpie Monday post for a while and this is one with a slight difference, I have not had much time for shopping and have just been trying to buy things I really need or like. Firstly I found this tablecloth with lovely Autumnal colours for just 75p, the colours actually remind me of the ones used in some of the Clarice Cliff designs. The only tablecloths we have are the modern plastic ones which are very useful for messy crafts and some given to me by my Grandmother, which are too special for me to introduce to the children just yet, so this will come in useful. I am not sure whether to keep it as a tablecloth or use the fabric for something else but so far my daughter has been using it for picnics with her dolls.

Next is a couple of wooden cotton reels I found, I had to pay 50p for these but I do love the wooden ones and the colours are very pretty.  They are now taking pride of place on the top draw of my sewing basket.

I found this bowl or saucer for 25p, to be honest I really don't know what it is, but I liked the simple lines of it, maybe it was an under saucer for a plant pot?... I bought it for my cat, not for normal cat food but for the special treats he gets like a little tuna or chicken.

This bowl is now back in use after 4 months as my cat sadly went missing at the beginning of June, but I am pleased to announce he is now home, he just strolled right in like nothing was wrong the other day. We are all very surprised and happy to have him safe at home again.

Lastly for today I have a glass lemon squeezer my husband found for me for just 50p, we had an awful modern plastic one which did not work well and I really have no idea where it came from anyway. I love these glass ones, so easy to use and they catch the pips... I now have plenty of little volunteers for lemon squeezing.

This post is for the magpie Monday series hosted by missielizzie.

Me and My Shadow


  1. Where on earth had he been? Naughty kitty! Glad he's safely home now.

    Love that you bought a special treat dish for him, that's so sweet!

    Your tablecloth is lovely - adore the colours. Maybe an autumnal picnic is in order?

    Thanks for linking up x

  2. No idea where he was but he looks good so we think some one fed him.
    Picnic sound like a fab idea :)
    thank-you for reading.

  3. Honestly Cats ! cause you al lthat grief then walk back in like they have just been out for a stroll. Glad he is home safe and sound.
    Love your lemon squeezer, totally agree about preferring glass ones.

  4. Love the cat saucer and story best of all

  5. Glad you got your cat back...Bet you were surprized! Love the little bowl...very pretty x

  6. Glad your cat it home safe and sound, dont they like to worry us! My kitten looks just like your cat :-)

  7. Lovely tablecloth, pretty threads on wooden reels and a gorgeous kitty! So glad he's home safe.

  8. I love old wooden cotton reels, so much nicer than the plaggy ones we have nowadays!!

  9. My cat did a similar thing, so pleased he returned. I also have a thing about old wooden cotton reels. :)

  10. ooh wooden cotton reels - I'm always on the lookout for those and the threads you have on yours are so pretty

    the table cloth and lemon squeezer are also excellent finds

  11. What great finds! The tablecloth is just like the ones I keep picking up in charity shops and carboots. I wonder why there is such an abundance of them at the moment?

    Great news about your cat, too :o)

  12. 4 months! So glad he's home safe and well!

  13. Thank-you everyone for reading and all the well wishes for the cat, who is enjoying all the attention :)
